Tell us About Your Project


+61 400 464 594

A few things to think about ..

Help us Help you!

When requesting a quote please provide the following if possible/applicable:
1. Written string parts, or
2. MIDI versions of your string lines if no written string parts are available
3. Do you want a “string section” sound or “string quartet” (ie. individual instrument) sound?
4. BPM if your music is at a fixed tempo throughout. If not, a description of the tempo changes and/or a MIDI tempo map is great!
5. An audio file of your project at it’s current state
6. If you want us to compose/create string parts to complement your project, let us know where you think you’d like the strings (eg. under the guitar solo at 2:38-3:15). Existing reference tracks (eg. Youtube videos) can also be helpful.